
We are dedicated to supporting individuals and families in need through a variety of targeted grants. Our funding initiatives unlock opportunities, provide critical support, and enhance the wellbeing and success of our community.

Education grants
for individuals
Unlocking opportunities through education
Our education grants support individuals seeking additional qualifications or training to enhance their employment prospects.

Crisis Grants
Rapid response grants for urgent living expenses
We work with local referral agencies to offer fast-response crisis grants to help households with urgent living expenses.

Child Support
Enriching education for every child
We provide funding to local schools in our benefit area to improve the school lives of disadvantaged children. Awarded at the discretion of the Headteacher, these grants can subsidise activities such as breakfast clubs, extra-curricular activities, school outings, residential trips, access to therapies, and contribute towards uniform costs. We want to ensure that every child can participate fully in school life, regardless of their financial situation. By helping to remove these barriers, we aim to support the overall well-being and academic success of all students.
Child Support
What are Child Support grants?
We provide Child Support grants each year to every school in our benefit area: TW9, TW10, SW13, and SW14. Typically, these grants are used to subsidise residential journeys and class visits, for places at breakfast/after school/holiday clubs or other activities, towards uniform costs, and various therapies. We don’t decide how this is used; please direct any queries to your Headteacher.
Do you provide direct funding to children needing a Child Support grant?
We do not accept direct applications for Child Support grants from individuals. Instead, we distribute our funding directly to local schools. This allows the Headteacher to use their discretion in allocating support to disadvantaged students who need it most.
How can I find out if my child is eligible for this funding?
If you believe your child may be eligible for a Child Support grant, please contact your child’s school. The headteacher will be able to provide information on how the grants are distributed and whether your child qualifies for assistance.
What are Crisis Grants?
Crisis Grants provide rapid assistance to residents of TW9, TW10, SW13, and SW14 who are facing urgent living expenses. The grants are designed to help with immediate financial needs and are available only through referral agencies and partners.
How do I apply for a Crisis Grant?
Applications for Crisis Grants are exclusively accepted through referral agencies. If you are in need, please reach out to one of our trusted referral agencies and partners. They will assist you in determining eligibility and submitting an application on your behalf.
Who are your recommended referral agencies?
We have four primary float holders who distribute our Crisis Grants. They are Achieving for Children (AfC), Age UK Richmond, Citizens Advice Richmond, and Richmond AID. For further contact information, head over to our Crisis Grants page.
Who is eligible for a Crisis Grant?
Crisis Grant recipients must be a resident of TW9, TW10, SW13, or SW14, or a Richmond care leaver. They must not have received our maximum Crisis Grant within the past 12 months. All applications must be submitted by a trusted referral agency with a thorough understanding of the client’s circumstances and needs.
I work for a local organisation which supports residents in your benefit area, but we are not one your four float holders. Can I apply for a Crisis Grant on the residents behalf?
If this is an infrequent or one-off situation we recommend that you refer your client to one of our float-holders. If your organisation expects to regularly request Crisis Grants on behalf of your clients, please read the Crisis Grant Referral Criteria for Referral Agents and Partners, and use our Online Referral Form.
If our Crisis Grant application is approved, when and how is this paid?
If approved, the Crisis Grant will usually be paid by BACS into the referral partner organisation or the individual’s bank account within 10 working days of the date that the application was submitted. The referral partner should specify payment details in the online application form.
How much Education Grant can I apply for towards my expenses while studying for a degree?
We expect undergraduates to access and fully utilise student finance options, including coverage for fees, maintenance, and any additional support. Comprehensive information about these options can be found here.
We also recommend exploring other financial resources such as bursaries and university hardship funds. Your university’s support services can provide valuable guidance on these opportunities.
If you find yourself facing a financial shortfall despite these efforts, and you have specific personal circumstances that make it challenging to take on part-time or holiday work, you may be eligible to apply for an education grant of up to £3,000 this year. You can make one application each year. Please note that the maximum amount available for undergraduate grants may vary from year to year and may decrease.
Can I apply for an Education Grant towards post-graduate study or a second degree?
Our primary focus is to support individuals from low-education backgrounds who have not yet obtained a degree. Therefore, we do not typically offer grants for post-graduate studies or additional degrees. However, an exception may be made for those working in the voluntary and community sector who are seeking to upskill to meet a specific sector need. If this applies to you, please reach out to our Grants team to discuss your situation in more detail.
Can we apply for school staff training?
Yes, our Individual Education Grants can support staff training in schools and the voluntary sector in our benefit area. The training should benefit both the staff and the school, ideally focusing on the education of disadvantaged children. We don’t normally fund training beyond degree Level Six.
If my application is successful, when and how will I receive my Education Grant?
Your grant would usually be available within 10 working days of the relevant Grants Committee meeting. In most cases, Richmond Foundation pays course fees directly to your training provider by BACS.