
We support organisations to create lasting positive change in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Our funding initiatives are designed to ensure that everyone in Richmond has the opportunity to build healthy and fulfilling lives. We provide funding to improve access to support and advice, reduce inequalities in education, improve health outcomes and enhance community cohesion.
What we do not fund
We do not fund applications that do not support people living in our benefit area postcodes: TW9, TW10, SW13, and SW14.
Additionally, we do not support applications that do not align with our grant priorities.
- Organisations that are not registered charities, community interest companies, schools or other properly constituted not for profit organisations
- Anything that is the primary responsibility of a statutory body
- Medical research, animal welfare, and projects of a political nature
- Major capital appeals
- Any activities that promote the practice of religion or specific belief systems (including the lack of belief)
- Improvements to buildings mainly used for worship or other religious activities
- Retrospective funding
- General charitable appeals
Our Funding Streams
Our funding streams are designed to support organisations at various stages of development. Discover the right funding pathway for your organisation with our four funding streams.
Funding for a pilot or time-limited project, or for organisations newer to Richmond Foundation.
Duration: Maximum of a 12-month grant
Value: Usually £20k or less
Eligibility: Organisations meeting any of these criteria are eligible to apply.
- New to Richmond Foundation
- Applying for their second year of funding from us
- Have a track-record of our funding for more than two years but are piloting a new or time-limited project
- Have a track record of our funding for more than two years but are considered higher risk
Multi-year funding for a specific project, based on the proportion of users supported in our benefit area.
Duration: Three year grant with annual renewal conditions
Value: Up to £90k over three years
- Have a track record of successfully delivering our grants for two years or more
- Applying to deliver similar activities to that previously funded
- You do not meet the criteria for core funding
Multi-year core funding to support strategic development and strengthen Richmond’s voluntary and community sector.
Duration: Three year grant with annual renewal conditions
Value: from £30k to £180k over three years
- Have a track record of successfully delivering our grants for two years or more
- You are located in the borough and have strong community links
- Usually have an annual turnover of less than £1m
- You want to collaborate and share your experience with Richmond Foundation and local partners to maximise impact
Exceptional funding which does not align to other streams. If you are considering this grant stream, please contact the Grants Team by email or phone.
Duration: Flexible according to project needs
Value: Flexible according to project needs
- Applying as a consortium or partnership to deliver a collaborative project
- Responding to a Richmond Foundation call for applications
- Providing voluntary and community sector development

How we assess
your application
We focus on key criteria to ensure your proposal aligns with our goals and can make a meaningful impact.
We aim to support applications that are well-planned, achievable, and beneficial to our community. The following criteria guide our evaluation process:
Strength of Rationale
- Closely aligns with our grant priorities
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of existing or emerging needs
- Has strong evidence of demand for the proposed activity
- Informed by local consultation and local knowledge
- Clearly shows how the proposed activity adds value to existing services and activities
Appropriateness and deliverability of activities
- Well-planned, realistic, and achievable
- Clearly outlines how you will reach and support the people you aim to help
- Demonstrates the ability to deliver at the proposed scale
- Operates within our benefit area and/or shows how you will engage people living in our benefit area
- Supports a proportional number of people in our benefit area relative to the total project cost (for gateway or project) or total income (for core funding)
- Shows a commitment to learning from experience and to continuously improve
Impact and value of money
- Will make a demonstrable difference to people’s lives
- Has measurable, achievable outputs and outcomes proportional to the requested funding
- Offers good value for money considering the scale of people supported and the proposed activity
- Secured a range of funding sources and has contingencies if you do not receive unconfirmed funding
- Collaborates and shares experiences with partners to maximise impact
Capacity and capability to deliver
- Demonstrates the capacity and capability to deliver the proposal
- Has a successful track record of delivering similar activities; core and multi-year project holders should show evidence of successfully delivering our grants for two years or more
- Well-positioned to meet identified needs
- Employees, volunteers, and trustees have the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications
- Staff and volunteers are well-trained and supported
- Demonstrates good risk management, financial management, and accountability
- Meets safeguarding requirements and holds appropriate insurance
Can I apply for capital funding to help with refurbishment costs?
We do not fund major capital appeals, or improvements to a building that is mainly used as a place of worship or for religious activities. In exceptional circumstances, we can fund minor refurbishments to a community venue if this is aligned with our grant priorities.
Can I apply for a grant to subsidise our normal membership costs?
We fund a large number of local charities who provide free or subsidised support for local people. However, we do not provide floats for organisations to offer free or subsidised memberships alongside paid-for places.
Our latest audited/filed accounts show reserves higher than the maximum amount recommended in our reserves policy. Can I still apply for funding?
We do not normally fund organisations with high levels of reserves. As part of our due diligence processes and assessment, we’ll review your situation and consider the reasons for your reserves. Please reach out to the Grants team for more information.
Do you fund faith groups?
We do not fund activities that promote the practice of religion or belief systems (or the lack of belief), as this could exclude people on religious grounds. We can fund projects that are open to everyone, such as community events or budgeting courses, as long as they do not involve religious activity.
We’re a school in your benefit area. Can we apply for funding?
We’re unable to fund what statutory bodies are primarily responsible for. Typically, we can’t cover individual school staffing or ongoing projects which address universal school issues. Sometimes exceptions are made for schools that have the highest Pupil Premium numbers and lowest levels of attainment. For urgent, one-time projects, there might be room in our budget. Reach out to our grants team before investing time in an application. We do support voluntary sector partners running projects in schools.
Can we apply for cross-school collaborative projects?
We’re keen to hear about the development of these kinds of projects. We may be able to help if your project targets disadvantaged children and shares best practice across the borough.
Can we apply for school staff training?
Yes, our Individual Education Grants can support staff training in schools and the voluntary sector in our benefit area. The training should benefit both the staff and the school, ideally focusing on the education of disadvantaged children. We don’t normally fund training beyond degree Level Six. We also accept applications from schools or Headteacher locality groups for training that can be shared with others in the borough, with a focus on the education and development of disadvantaged children.
Application Process
What are your grant application success rates?
In 2023/24, 75% of applications from organisations were successful. The success rate differed between grant streams with 56% of Gateway applications awarded, 92% of Core applications awarded and 92% of Project applications awarded.
I am in the final year of multi-year funding, when can I apply again?
If you are coming to the end of multi-year funding, you can apply to the grants committee up to six months before your usual application date. For instance, if you typically submit Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in August for the September grants committee, you can apply for a new multi-year grant at the March committee for a delivery start date in September 2025. The deadline for the March committee is 29 January 2025.
I’m considering applying for core funding, but my charity is undergoing a strategic review. I’m concerned that our organisational goals might evolve during the three year grant period. Can we adjust them?
Absolutely. You should discuss changes to your goals with our Grants Team and incorporate them where appropriate into your annual Monitoring and Evaluation report. Sometimes goals are met early or superseded by unexpected events or strategic changes.
Who do you include in the definition of “disadvantaged children and young people”?
This term refers to children and young people (CYP) who meet the criteria for their school’s pupil premium funding, including those who have received free school meals at any point in the last six years. It also encompasses CYP with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), those identified as children in need of help and protection, CYP receiving support from a social worker, and looked after children (children in local authority care), including those who have left care through adoption or another formal process. Additionally, the definition extends to other CYP facing educational inequality including young carers, those from certain ethnic groups, and those from low-income households.
Application Form
Can I access a Word version of the Application Form?
Our Application Guidance is available in Word format and includes all Application Form questions. If you would like to request any information from us in a more accessible format please get in touch by email grants@richmondfoundation.org.uk or by phone 020 8948 5701.
My application form won’t save, what can I do?
Make sure that you have responded to any error message, for example, check that you have not exceeded the word count. The form will also not save if you have entered any text where it should only include digits, such as in your response to how many people you will support, how much you are applying for, how many volunteers, and how many Full Time Equivalent staff.
Some questions on the application form don’t apply to us as we’re a school, e.g. public liability insurance, filed accounts. Will this affect the likelihood of our application being successful?
Your application will be considered in the context of being a school rather than a Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisation. Should you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the online application form, please reach out to the Grants team for assistance.
Current Funded Partners
When do I need to report on the progress of my Richmond Foundation funded activity?
Gateway grant holders are required to return their completed monitoring and evaluation (M&E) form 12-months from the date of approval of their grant or when the project is completed, whichever is first. Core, Multi-Year Project and Partnership grant holders are required to return their completed M&E forms 10 months after each annual payment. Your Grant Manager will send you the link to your online M&E Form each year.
You can read examples of questions that we ask on our M&E Forms here. This is for reference only, you must use the online form link that your Grant Manager provides when you complete your M&E.
If our application is successful when and how is the grant paid?
If approved, your first grant will be paid by BACS within 10 working days from your return of our Terms and Conditions and evidence of your bank details. If you have a multi-year grant, disbursement of subsequent annual payments are conditional on satisfactory progress reporting and submission of your completed monitoring and evaluation form 10 months after payment.
Where can I find Richmond Foundation logos and branding guidelines?
Funded partners can find branding guidelines and downloadable versions of our logo on our Brand Resources page.
When to Apply
Our Grants Committee meets quarterly in March, June, September, and December to review applications. Please make sure to submit your application by the deadline provided. We’ll notify you of the outcome within five working days after the Grants Committee meeting.