Our Impact

Our grant funding is proactive and collaborative
We analyse local needs and look at the issues tackled by organisations, the people they help, and their activities, alongside the latest local needs data. This helps inform our understanding of local need and informs where we direct our investment.
In 2024, we have achieved a combined direct and indirect impact investment of £3.7 million. We provided £2.5 million in grants, supporting individuals and 72 funded partners. We were also able to offer £1.1 million in rent subsidies for residential charitable properties and £105k for commercial properties.

Funding specialist support and direct grants for residents in need
In 2024, the demand for advice and support has remained high. Thanks to our referral partners – including Citizens Advice Richmond, Richmond AID, Achieving for Children, and Age UK Richmond – we were able to distribute Crisis grants to those who needed them most.
We invested £781k of funding to ensure local people had access to vital support and advice. £540k was granted to our funded partners and £241k was distributed in Crisis and Catalyst grants to individuals.

Supporting every child's right to learn and thrive
Our core and project funding is used to help reduce inequalities in education, and we provide child support grants to schools in our benefit area, and education grants to individuals.
Last year, we provided £420k in funding to support individuals, schools, and organisations. This included £149k in Child Support grants to 22 schools, helping to support children from low-income households by subsidising school outings, trips, swimming lessons, uniform costs and other extra-curricular activities.

Creating a healthier and more equitable society
Through our core and project funding, we empower our partners to offer a range of services designed to reduce health inequalities and promote good mental and physical health.
In 2024, we invested £610k in organisations that provided support to improve health outcomes.

Creating inclusive spaces to boost community wellbeing
With our funding, our partners are able to create and sustain a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing isolation and loneliness. By establishing inclusive community spaces and engaging activities, our funding is able to help partners build strong community ties and contribute to the overall well-being among Richmond residents.
We provided support to enhance community cohesion with £558k of funding in 2023/24.

Strength through partnership and core funding
This priority is integral to all our work. We’ve moved 12 organisations from annual funding to three-year grants and our cohort of core funded organisations has increased to 40 Richmond based charities.
We also provided £84k in Partnership grants to help strengthen the local voluntary and community sector. To find out more, visit our Partnerships.

Annual report
Want to learn more about our impact?
For reflections on our funded projects, our collective achievements with our partners, and our vision for the future, download our 2024 Annual Report.